Bleeding EdgeProduct Solutions

We build digital solutions for the future, with modern technology, timeless design, and ironclad security.

Our Services

There's no problem too big or too small for us to handle.

Custom Software Development
Bespoke full-stack solutions, tailored with excellence to your unique business needs.
Product Management
World-class product thinking and execution to bring your ideas to life.
CI/CD & Automation
Complete automation to take your software from bytes to market with confidence.
Computational Geometry
Specialized expertise in spatial data analysis, visualization, and utiliziation.
Robust safety and modern security standards from infrastructure to application.
Continued Support
No need to worry about your software, we're here to support you every step of the way.

About Normal Vector

At Normal Vector, we believe that with enough grit and first-principals, a solution can be found for any problem no matter how gnarly. Our mission is to create intuitive and innovative software to enable the best in our clients and their customers.

Behind the Code

River Gleichsner

River Gleichsner

Software Architect & Consultant

A voracious, product-focused software engineer with over 9 years of experience and a passion for crafting clever solutions for complex problems.

Case Studies

Explore our projects and see how we've helped clients bring their ideas to life.

3D-Native Repository and Version Control


The worlds fastest growing 3D model site, used by millions of Makers and Designers every month.


Get in Touch

Ready to bring your vision to life? Contact us today.

Rates start at $150/hr with retainer packages available.

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